此后的事不必我多费唇舌,自1991年使他们获利颇丰的同名专辑后,"Load"与"Reload"分别于1997年和1998年相继推出,在Trip-Hop、Hip-Hop、Trance、Techno、 Grunge各种音乐元素大行其道的今天,Heavy Metal命运何去何从?U2以"Pop"给流行重下定义,并向世人证明他们也能将Hip-Hop、Trance玩得转;Metallica也和 Obital一道将"Satan"改编为带有Techno风格的电彤"Spawn"主题曲,"Load"与"Reload"还是给我们带来了不小的失望, 但是不可否认Metallica是最棒的乐队,毕竟它给我们带来过最精彩的音乐。
The inclusion of songs with these slower, more ballad-like passages and psychologically sensitive lyrics demonstrates one of the important factors that distinguished Metallica from most other thrash metal bands such as Anthrax, Slayer, and Megadeth, whose musical ability rivalled Metallica, but whose artistry never quite matched。
Once they successfully released it he left Echobrain and joined Ozzy Ozbourne's band。 Jason is now a member of Tommy Lee's band "Rock Star Supernova," however he will be out of that band for approximately 9 months after suffering back injuries when trying to catch his amp head which fell off his stack。
After it`ll be released a world tour will follow。 It is also rumored that they will record 'The Ecstasy Of Gold' (a song from the film The Good The Bad & The Ugly) to start the album as they have opend live shows with this track for years, most notably on the DVD/CD S&M where the San Fransisco Symphony Orcestra (conducted by Michael Kamen) play it。