我能给一些英国著名的城市英文名字, 中文 I can help, but tell me which city you cannot translate.England: Bath Birmingham Bradford Brighton and Hove Bristol Cambridge Canterbury Carlisle Chelmsford Chester Chichester Coventry Derby Durham Ely Exeter Gloucester Hereford Kingston upon Hull Lancaster Leeds Leicester Lichfield Lincoln Liverpool City of London Manchester Newcastle upon Tyne Norwich Nottingham Oxford Peterborough Plymouth Portsmouth Preston Ripon Salford Salisbury Sheffield Southampton St Albans Stoke-on-Trent Sunderland Truro Wakefield Wells Westminster Winchester Wolverhampton Worcester YorkScotland Aberdeen Dundee Edinburgh Glasgow Inverness Perth StirlingWales Bangor Cardiff Newport St Asaph St David's and the Cathedral Close SwanseaNorthern Ireland Armagh Belfast Lisburn Londonderry Newry